NH Now: Senator Ted Cruz Contemplates a Run for President

Ted Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz talked with Chris Ryan about the distinct possibility that he’ll run for President. Cruz also discussed how he’ll expand his base of support to include NH’s famous Independent voters, and he responded to criticism about the letter he signed that was sent to Iran’s leaders.

Senator Cruz is very encouraged by the level of enthusiasm for his candidacy at this point. That is why he is putting together a team and assessing the levels of his support in key states like New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina. With the Republican field of candidates being so crowded, Chris asked how he intends to separate himself from the rest of the pack. The senator feels that the voters are tired of career politicians who say one thing and do another. He feels that he has consistently stood up for conservative values on the major issues such as, opposition to Obamacare and the president’s immigration amnesty program; stopping the Common Core education program; standing up for free speech and religious liberty, defending second amendment rights, protecting privacy rights and defense of marriage and right to life; and support of Israel and opposition to Iran becoming a nuclear power. Senator Cruz feels that he has spoken out and been a leader on these issues.

“How will you try to appeal to Independents?” was the next topic. Ted Cruz believes that Independents want a government that will be consistent with traditional values like “live within your means”, “don’t bankrupt our kids’ and grand-kids’ futures”, and “follow the Constitution.” Finally, he believes that all voters want authenticity–a candidate who does what he says that he is going to do. He offered an anecdote about a liberal California Democrat named Christian who is supporting Cruz in 2016. Christian recently received a very expensive bill for Obamacare, and he feels that Ted Cruz is the only candidate who is serious about repealing the “Affordable” Care Act.

Ted Cruz was one of the 47 senators who signed the letter to the leaders of Iran about the proposed nuclear development program. Chris asked if there was any regret about sending the letter. Cruz believes that there are two reasons why President Obama and the Senate Democrats have responded in an hysterical manner to the Senate letter. First, they can not defend the deal that the president has negotiated. It undermines our alliance with our best ally in the region, Israel. Also, the deal threatens the security of the United States. Iran is building an ICBM missile program which could deliver their nuclear weapons here. The second reason involves Constitutional precedent. The senators believed that President Obama intended to circumvent the Senate in making this deal without the advise and consent or ratification by the Senate or legislation which the Constitution requires. They believe that the president will either just make the deal or put through an agreement in the United Nations. Senator Cruz believes that this “deal’ with Iran endangers our national security interests and violates our Constitution. He stated that any candidate who will not repudiate this agreement with Iran in January of 2017 is not fit to be our Commander-in-Chief.