NH Now: Rand Paul Says That Trump Is a “Fake” Conservative

Chris Ryan opened the show with a campaign trail interview with Senator Rand Paul who drew a crowd of about 100 people to watch him stump at a gas station in Laconia. Paul has the same problem as the rest of the Republican field–finding a way of stopping Donald Trump. The senator claims that it is difficult to make headway because the media is constantly covering what Trump says or does, so there is no time for the other candidates to get out their message. Paul considers Trump to be a fake conservative, and he believes that eventually that the voters will also come to that realization. Rand Paul pointed out some of Donald Trump’s positions which go against conservative principles. In the past, Trump was in favor of the Obama stimulus package, partial birth abortion, and the violation of property rights. Most importantly, Senator Paul favors a flat tax of 14 1/2% which would lower and simplify taxes. He states that Trump is in favor of raising taxes.

In regard to the national perception of problems of police and community relations, Rand Paul believes that this is primarily a product of the news over reporting bad things that happen–like police shootings. The media gives no information about the 99% of positive events