NH Now: Jeb Bush Lays out a Detailed Plan to Deal with ISIS

In this interview, Jeb Bush was very critical of the Obama Administration’s handling of its “War on ISIS.” There were five specific steps that he would implement. First, he would arm the Kurds directly. At present, weapons have been given to the Iraqi government and then they are not forwarded to the Kurdish fighters. Second, the 3,500 or so US troops in Iraq would embedded with the Iraqi forces in order to improve their effectiveness. Next, there needs to be improved intelligence and air control to make our use of air power more effective. Recently, it has been learned that 75% of our flights return to base without dropping their bombs. Finally, it is necessary to reengage the Sunni tribes in Iraq. This majority of Iraqis have been sitting on the sidelines because they do not feel represented in the Iraqi government.In addition, Jeb Bush would support bringing together an international force comprised of troops from the United States, Europe, and Middle Eastern nations.

Bush has two main goals–1) replace Bashir Assad, the Syrian dictator; and 2) create a secure Syria which would prevent another power vacuum for another group like ISIS to take over. Currently, the Assad regime is supported by Iran and Russia. Bush feels that this dictator needs to be removed because Iran is trying to destabilize the region.

In regard to domestic terror threats, Bush cautioned that the FBI is investigating over 900 ISIS related cases. He believes that we need to protect civil liberties, but we must maintain NSA surveillance for possible terrorist activity.