NH Now: Reporting from Graceland with George Klein, a Friend of the King


“What is fame and fortune if you can’t share it with your friends?”
That’s what Elvis Presley said to George Klein as the King of Rock and Roll dropped the keys to a brand new, yellow, Cadillac convertible into his friend’s hand. George Klein was there on that fateful day when a shy kid who had recently moved to Memphis from Tupelo brought his guitar to music class. The course of music history changed that day. George and Elvis met in ninth grade and remained friends. George became a radio and TV personality in Memphis who gave exposure and encouragement to a young truck driver who had lots of talent and ambition. In return, Elvis was there for George in good times and bad. Elvis paid for George’s wedding and was the best man.

The interview is a retelling of George Klein’s memories of hanging out with the King. He relates stories about the early days, touring with Elvis, and traveling to movie locations. George witnessed a number of acts of charity by Elvis. Many times the gifts were anonymous–like to a poor woman who needed an electric wheelchair. Other times, the gift was direct like when Elvis insisted on paying for George’s operation. George Klein was a trusted confidant and companion to the man who was the biggest star in show business. According to George, Elvis Presley was a man with a long memory. Those who had helped him make it were rewarded. Those who slighted Elvis along the way were not forgotten, but he wasn’t vindictive toward them.

Elvis Presley died 38 years ago, but his impact is still felt today. Millions of tourists make the pilgrimage to Graceland every year. George Klein pointed out that the recent release of “Elvis Presley with the London Philharmonic Orchestra” sold three million records in three weeks.