Analysis: Shaheen’s comments on NH Now

By Chris Ryan

A week ago US Senator Jeanne Shaheen made comments on New Hampshire Now that are still resonating throughout the political world and have been featured on Fox News and in Town Hall.

Shaheen said that, “At least for people who are willing to pay more, that they have that option of going to their doctor and hospital no matter what their insurer does.”

So in essence, President Obama and Senator Shaheen’s, “If you like your doctor or your insurance plan, you can keep it under this plan,” from 2009 has become, ‘You can keep your doctor, if you can afford it,’ in 2013.

That exact point was one of the reasons for my skepticism in regards to the ACA since the beginning and that a true marketplace option isn’t possible if there’s no transparency in regards to cost.

Shaheen also wouldn’t say whether she’d vote for the law again saying, “Hindsight is 20/20.”

True, but we look for foresight in elected officials. A recent UNH/WMUR poll shows only 34% of Granite Staters approve of the law. That means Democrats have lost Independents, the group that decides elections here.

Now, all that was interesting, but not the most surprising and potentially damaging information to come out about Senator Shaheen this week.

I have long stated that I admire Senator Shaheen tremendously. I think that she’s great with constituent services, asks good questions and comes up with practical solutions. She does a good job for New Hampshire.

As a Independent, I liked that she is “Where New Hampshire Is” on the issues.

However, that may not be the case.

CQ Politics/Roll Call looked at her voting record and found that she agreed with President Obama 99% of the time.

That amazes me. I only agree with my best friends maybe 75% of the time. You know?

Reps Carol Shea Porter and Annie Kuster are viewed as being far-left while Shaheen is viewed as a centrist and they agreed with the President 89% of the time and 87% of the time.